Department Store Joke
A guy falls to the floor gasping for breath in a department store. Someone says, “Is anybody here a doctor?” A reassuring voice answers, “Can someone please tell me where the cosmetics counter is?”
A guy falls to the floor gasping for breath in a department store. Someone says, “Is anybody here a doctor?” A reassuring voice answers, “Can someone please tell me where the cosmetics counter is?”
Knock knock. Who’s there? Pizza. Pizza who? Pizza flavored ice cream. That doesn’t sound very…
The secret to a happy life? More baked beans. Also acceptable: A life-sized wax figure…
How can you tell whether your cat is really mad at you? Divorce papers.
What’s more enchanting than a rich woman in a fancy dress? A squeaky clarinet. Even…
What did the friendly fisherman say to the tourist? Get off my dock.
What was that weird smell in the locker room? A cow.