First Date Joke
What’s the best kind of movie for a first date? Without a doubt, a romantic comedy where the main male character is a quirky foreigner and his love interest is a sassy eel.
What’s the best kind of movie for a first date? Without a doubt, a romantic comedy where the main male character is a quirky foreigner and his love interest is a sassy eel.
Powerful superhero name: Iron Deficiency. Honorable mention: Rickets.
There was a touching moment at the wedding reception when someone handed my grandmother a…
I was getting a haircut the other day and then I realized I was at…
Excellent rock band name: The Why Is There a Goose in My Driveway.
Why are guys so into cars? I don’t know, where’s my cabbage soup?
Great moments in science: Not the time my uncle tried to make a rocket out…