Breakfast Cereal Joke
Great moments in breakfast cereal history: The moment when Carl Harpstedt added raisins to a bran cereal. Less great moment: When he went too far by adding tuna.
Great moments in breakfast cereal history: The moment when Carl Harpstedt added raisins to a bran cereal. Less great moment: When he went too far by adding tuna.
At the high-energy motivational presentation, the super-intense speaker told the audience that they could do…
What’s more beautiful than a model in a stunning couture dress? An old guy coughing.
A frat guy was trying to show off in front of some girls by setting…
Why was the woman so upset after her visit to the spa? Too many crows.
What did one cat say to the other cat? I never had a good relationship…
Amazing grammar fact: The plural of ghost is goats.