Successful in College Joke
In order to be successful in college you need to attend class, study hard and, of course, have an ultra-smart monkey with a hidden microphone feed you answers during your tests.
In order to be successful in college you need to attend class, study hard and, of course, have an ultra-smart monkey with a hidden microphone feed you answers during your tests.
During the ballet performance, the beautiful ballerina mesmerized the audience with her graceful moves and…
Great moments in history: The time when Lewis and Clark were exploring an uncharted area…
What’s more exciting than a beauty pageant? My grandfather complaining about how his new socks…
What is the most advanced airplane in the world? Not the one my uncle made…
In an incredible display of her powers, the famous psychic completely failed to foresee the…
What’s the difference between a fast car and a fast motorcycle? One has beautiful eyelashes.