Trouble with Computer Screen Joke
Bob was having a lot of trouble seeing anything on his computer screen. He thought about calling a tech guy but his wife fixed the problem by pointing out that their cat was in front of the monitor.
Bob was having a lot of trouble seeing anything on his computer screen. He thought about calling a tech guy but his wife fixed the problem by pointing out that their cat was in front of the monitor.
What is more classy than a handsome gentleman who has perfect manners and is a…
What is more fun than a business convention? Moss. Also acceptable, gangrene.
What’s so smart about a smartphone? Me not expert. Where my hamburger?
Everything was going well for the swimmer at the Olympics until he decided to do…
What’s the difference between a fast car and a fast motorcycle? One has beautiful eyelashes.
What’s even better than your favorite ice cream? A chicken tap dancing.